Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa

Happy holidays to all my friends and acquaintances, professional and otherwise. I spent an afternoon recently wandering through downtown Santa Barbara, which is decked out for the holidays, and thought I’d share some of those images.

It’s raining, so I’m not sure I’ll get to do my Christmas Day beach walk (my own little holiday tradition), but I’ll share some photos from a recent walk. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to live and work in this beautiful place, and I’m grateful to all of you who have become friends and clients over the years.

I’ll be teaching a new course for Antioch University Online in January: Writing to Create a Joy-filled Life. It’s the perfect way to start the new year, with gratitude and recognition that if we want to feel joy, we only need to decide to be joyous. Would love to write with you in the New Year! Here’s the link to sign up.

And coming soon: new classes on memoir writing and using fiction techniques in nonfiction through the Pacific School of Writing. Stay tuned for more details after the new year.

Sending all best wishes from me and Cleo (below) for a love- and joy-filled holiday season and a fruitful New Year!

Cleo (@cleoqueenofcats on Instagram) guarding her Christmas tree.

Cleo (@cleoqueenofcats on Instagram) guarding her Christmas tree.